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Bloomfield Now in Compliance with State and Federal Guidelines on Lead and Water Treatment Chemical Levels

BLOOMFIELD, NJ– Over the past few years, New Jersey residents have learned a lot more about issues affecting water quality, as the entire state has dealt with concerns about aging infrastructure in water providers affecting the safety of drinking water. Now Bloomfield residents are receiving good news across the board, as the Bloomfield Department of Water and Engineering today announced the Township’s water source is moving towards 100% compliance with state and federal guidelines. Full compliance is anticipated by June or July of this year.

In the most recent test taken late last year, over 90% of the 65 faucets sampled had less than 12 parts per billion of lead. The EPA standard for lead content is 15 ppb. Additionally, traces of disinfectant byproducts were well within acceptable limits established by the state Department of Environmental Protection and Environmental Protection Agency. 

See the full article here.